
Oral Surgery

Minor surgical procedures involving the teeth, gums, and jaw may be needed to preserve or enhance long-term health. While our philosophy rests on maintaining teeth, each situation deserves consideration. So when the discussion we have together leads to a surgical correction, Dr. Dbouk will take every step necessary to ensure your comfort and safety.

Dr. Dbouk can treat many conditions with oral surgery including:

Wisdom Teeth Extractions

One the most common procedures are the removal of wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth – the last four teeth on the top and bottom of your mouth – typically surface between the ages of 17 and 25. Most people don’t have room the in the jaw to accommodate them and need to have them extracted. Often times the teeth become impacted because of the lack of room to properly surface.

Types of impacted teeth:

  • Soft Tissue Impaction – Though the crown of the tooth has broken the surface, a portion of gum still covers part of the tooth. Food can become trapped in the gum flap allowing for decay and infection.
  • Partial Bony Impaction – The tooth has partially surfaced, but part of it is still below the gum and bone. This is also prone to infection and decay because of cleaning difficulties.

If your wisdom teeth are are causing dental issues, it’s to your benefit to have them removed.